What does Keto Mean?

Starting a ketogenic diet

A lot of you may not know the ketogenic diet. This chapter discusses some general ideas on ketogenic diets and defines terms that might be useful.

A ketogenic diet is generally any diet regimen that causes the production of ketone bodies by the liver, which will shift the body's metabolism away from glucose to fats breakdown.

A ketogenic diet is that regimen restricting the intake of carbohydrates below a certain level (usually 100 grams per day) and induces a series of adjustments. Protein and fat intake vary according to the dieter's goal. But the ultimate determinant of whether or not a diet is ketogenic is the presence (or lack) of carbs.

what does keto mean?

ketogenic diet and the Fuel metabolism

The body runs on a mixture of carbohydrates, protein, and fat under' natural' dietary conditions. Once carbohydrates are removed from the diet, the small stores in the body gradually become exhausted.

The body is consequently forced to find an alternative fuel to give energy. Another such fuel is free fatty acids (FFA), which can be used in most body tissues. Not all organs can utilize FFA, though. The brain and nervous system, for example, can not use FFA for fuel; however, ketone bodies can be used.


what does keto mean?

The “keto” in a ketogenic diet

The "keto" in a ketogenic diet came from the information that this diet helps the body to produce small molecules of fuel called "ketones." This is an alternative source of fuel for the body, used when there is a lack of blood sugar (glucose).

The liver produces ketones from fat when you eat very few carbs or very few calories. These ketones will then function as a source of fuel for the entire body, particularly for the brain.

The brain is such a hungry organ which consumes a lot of energy every day and can not run directly on fat — just glucose-or ketones-can be used by the nerve cells.

On a ketogenic diet, the entire body changes its fuel supply to mostly run in carbohydrates, burning fat 24-7. If insulin levels become very small, the burning of fat will increase dramatically. Burning them off makes getting into your fat stores simpler.

This is fantastic if you're trying to lose weight, but there may also be other, less obvious benefits, such as less appetite and a constant supply of energy (we can get from high carb meals without the sugar peaks and valleys). This can help to keep you alert and centered.

This reaches a physiological state called ketosis when the body produces ketones. The most rapid method to get into ketosis is by fasting— not eating anything— but no one can ever run reliably.

On the other hand, a keto diet also leads to ketosis. It has many of the benefits of fasting without having to fast long-term, including weight loss.

what does keto mean?

Ketone Bodies

The ketone bodies are a by-product of the incomplete liver degradation of FFA. We function as fat-derived, non-carbohydrate fuel for tissues such as the brain. They accumulate in the bloodstream when ketone bodies are formed at rapid levels, contributing to the production of a metabolic state called ketosis. At the same time, glucose use and output are decreasing. Besides, the degradation of protein to be used for energy referred to as' protein sparing' is declining. In an attempt to lose body fat while avoiding loss of lean body mass, many individuals are drawn to ketogenic diets.

Hormones and the ketogenic diet

The changes mentioned above are caused primarily by ketogenic diets influencing the levels of two hormones: insulin and glucagon. Insulin is a storage hormone that transfers nutrients out of the bloodstream inside the target tissues. For example, insulin causes glucose to be stored as glycogen in the muscle, and FFA stored as triglycerides in the adipose tissue. Glucagon is a fuel-mobilizing hormone that stimulates the body to break down stored glycogen to provide the body with glucose, particularly in the liver.

When carbs are removed from our diet, insulin levels will decline, and glucagon levels will rise. This caused an increased release of FFA from fat cells and increased burning of FFA in the liver. What eventually leads to the production of ketone bodies and the metabolic state of ketosis is the accelerated burning of FFA in the liver. Several other hormones are also affected, in addition to insulin and glucagon, all of which help shift fuel usage away from carbohydrates and toward fat.

what does keto mean?

Exercise and the ketogenic diet

As with any diet on fat loss, exercise will improve ketogenic diet success. However, a carbohydrate-free diet can not sustain exercise performance at high intensity, although training at low power may be done. That’s why individuals who wish to use a ketogenic diet and exercise at high intensity must integrate carbohydrates without disrupting the ketosis effects.

The two most popular modified ketogenic diets that approach this issue from different ways are:

The targeted ketogenic diet (TKD): It allows carbs to be consumed instantly around exercise, to sustain performance without affecting ketosis.

The cyclical ketogenic diet (CKD): It interchanges periods of ketogenic dieting with periods of high-carb consumption. The period of high-carb eating refills muscle glycogen to sustain exercise performance.


what does keto mean?

Ketogenic Diet as an anti-Aging treatment

The top 7 Anti-Aging Keto-Friendly Foods for Skin, Brain, Muscle, and Gut Health are:

Spinach- It is an excellent source of vitamin K, vitamin A, vitamin C, and folate. Besides, it is a good source of manganese, magnesium, iron, and vitamin B2.

Avocados- In addition to riboflavin, niacin, folate, pantothenic acid, magnesium, and potassium, they are a great source of vitamins C, E, K, and B-6. They also provide lutein, beta-carotene, and omega-3 fatty acids.
Broccoli- It is a good source of vitamin K and calcium, two vital nutrients for maintaining strong, healthy bone. It also contains phosphorus, zinc, and vitamins A and C, which are necessary for healthy bones as well.

Nuts- rich sources of fibers and nutrients, vitamins B, vitamin E, minerals such as iron, zinc, potassium, magnesium, anti-oxidant minerals, and anti-oxidant compounds.

Watercress- It is very rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and enzymes, yet very low in calories, fats, sodium, and other toxins.

Berries- contain fiber, folate, vitamin C, magnesium, and several other essential nutrients. Berries protect against many heart diseases and cancer, and can also help maintain bone strength, mental health, and healthful blood pressure.

Mushrooms- They provide our bodies with many essential nutritional factors, including vitamin B, selenium, potassium, copper, and vitamin D.

what does keto mean?

Honeymoon Phase of rapid weight loss in the first few weeks of Ketogenic Diet

Most people see a swift drop in weight in the first week of the keto diet — ranging from about three pounds to as much as ten. That is because your body releases a lot of water weight (not fat) as you lower your carb intake.

Why does this happen?

Carbs need water to stay within your body. If your body does not spontaneously use glucose, it stores it in your muscles as glycogen and binds glycogen to water. Every gram of glycogen is stored with between 2 and 3 grams of water.

When you switch to keto for the first time, your body first burns all glycogen reserves before using fat. When glycogen runs out, the water needed to store will be removed. That is why, in the first week of the keto diet, the number on your scale changes so dramatically.

Although this is not a fat loss, it is a sign that your body is moving into ketosis: fat-burning mode. This rapid water loss can also lead to dehydration and constipation, so drink more water every day to keep everything in your body functioning in the right way.

Steadier Weight Loss afterward

Weight loss will usually occur at a slower, more steady pace, after a week or two. This is also the time when you get fat-adapted as your body switches from burning carbs to burning fat, meaning you're going to lose fat right now. A safe, average loss is about one to two pounds per week (0.5-1 kg).

what does keto mean?

Don’t Discount Other Signs of Progress

Focusing on more than just weight loss when going to keto is important-even if you have a lot to lose. Overall, health should be the target, so give yourself credit for any of the benefits you experience from the ketogenic diet. That could be:

  • Healthier hair, skin, and nails
  • More mental clarity
  • Fewer cravings
  • More energy throughout the day
  • Lower inflammation
  • Prevention of  many of the chronic diseases

While weight loss is a good indicator of your success, note that the number on the scale isn't all about that. Many keto dieters are saying that they noticed differences more in the mirror than on the weight scale.

If you are lifting weight at the same time, you might be balancing the loss of fat with a gain of muscle. This may not move much of the scale, but it will be showing up clearly on your body.

Keto Diet Results

The ketogenic diet will help you lose weight and improve overall health, so stick to it and don't be anxious when making adjustments when required. Track what you eat, stick to your keto macros, and periodically check your ketone levels to make sure you stay in ketosis. Above all, give your body time to respond to the significant changes that you're making. You'll be getting the keto diet results you want soon enough. We recommend taking exogenous ketones to boost your bodies natural ketone levels to experience better results. Ketone supplementation is the ultimate hack into the keto diet for better and faster results, we recommend taking a look at keto boost because currently it is the highest quality product on the market at the best price.