How to Train Triceps

 Triceps, just as the name implies, is a group of three muscles on the back of your arm that go from your shoulder to your elbow, it is opposite the bicep. Triceps functions for fine motor skills like playing tennis yoga, writing, doing pushups, and shooting a basketball. A muscle head is a point where a tendon attaches to the skeleton. Triceps are attached to the shoulder joint and have three heads, hence why it is referred to as tri-ceps. Although they may feel great when repping them out, I can assure you crushing cur after curl is not enough if you are determined about having that thick build-up triceps. The path to thick-sized arms requires triceps exercises.

how to trian triceps

Your triceps make up about two-thirds of your upper arm mass even though they are tucked in around the back. Triceps are a lot of muscle to ignore, building thickly developed triceps means building developed and thick arms.  Triceps may not have the same cultural reserve just as other muscles on the other side of the humerus, however in the fitness world, it is essential. Regardless if you are a bodybuilder or just someone looking to get stronger in your reps, it is worth the time to add some size to the rear side of your arms. The rear side of your arms.


You can put together different triceps routines by defining factors like rep ranges, volume, exercise choice, intensity, and rest periods. However, instead of making you sit down to try and figure out all of that, this article breaks down some effective, simple, and straightforward triceps workout.

Horseshoe triceps are not just for show, they are quite functional in some of the popular and effective exercises like bench press and press-ups. The lack of triceps strength is often a limiting factor in many pressing movements. In essence, your presses will only go as far as your triceps can carry. Each triceps workout that will be shared in this article is quite different from the other based on goals and training experience. Each triceps exercise includes the movement from the large umbrella of triceps workout i.e., bench presses and dips, press-downs, close-grip, kick-backs, and overhead extensions that concentrate on one or many of the three heads i.e., the anterior, lateral, and posterior. Assuredly, you cannot isolate a particular head, however, you can shift the focus to certain degrees with changes in hand and body position.

how to trian triceps

Some Triceps Exercise to Try

Close-grip Bench Press is a great exercise for triceps to work on your chest and core. When you place your hands closer together, you can touch your triceps, meaning you need to work hard and can lead to more strength and new growth. To do this: Grab a barbell with an overhand grip that is wider apart in the shoulder and hold it above your sternum with straight arms. Then lower the barbell straight down and pause, and then press the bar back up to the start position.

Rope Tricep Pushdown is a triceps exercise that zone in on your triceps, however, it is only possible when done right. If you exert too much weight, then you will involve shoulder and back muscles, hence defeating the purpose. Lighten the load if you cannot keep your shoulders down. To do this: Fasten a rope handle to the high pulley of a cable station. Bend your arms and grab the bar with an overhand grip and your shoulder-width apart. Then tuck your forearms next to your sides. While not moving your upper arms, push down the bar till your elbows are locked. Gently return to the starting position.

Advanced Triceps Dip: since you are lifting your whole body weight, your triceps have to work against a much heftier load than you would in a triceps-isolating workout. To do this: Pull yourself up on parallel bars with your torso upright to the floor. Maintain this posture all through the exercise. Inclining forward will shift emphasis to your shoulders and chest. Cross your ankles and bend your knees, then lower your body slowly till your shoulder joints are below your elbows. Push back up till your elbows are almost straight but not locked. You can skip this move if you have issues with your shoulder.

Overhead Triceps Extension: when you work on triceps, there is a tendency you forget the 3 parts to the muscle i.e., the lateral, medial, and long heads. The long head may not always receive the needed attention unless it is regularly engaged in exercises such as this exact one. With your arms over your head to isolate the long head. To do this: Sit on a bench and grab one dumbbell. Then form a diamond shape with your hands to grip the weight. Raise the dumbbell over your head, keep your core tight, and your elbows up. Lower the dumbbell down the top of the back by bending at the elbow and maintain your strong chest while keeping your shoulders still. Increase the weight by extending your arms fully while pausing for a count to squeeze at the peak of the movement.

Lying Triceps Extensions (a.k.a Skullcrushers): even though there are lots of variations of this move, they all have elbow extension in common. As the upper arms are locked in position, the lateral triceps and long heads are in play. Raising the angle of an inclining bench will work with your triceps long head while doing the movement on a reclining bench with more emphasis on the lateral triceps head. To do this: Grab the EZ bar on the inner grips while using an overhead grip and extend your arms straight. Be sure your elbows are tucked in, then lower the bar slowly till it is about an inch from your forehead. At all times, keep your arms at right angles to the floor. Extend your arms slowly back to the starting position without locking your elbows.

Diamond Press-up: this triceps workout can be done at the comfort of your home. It does not get any simpler than this workout. The standard press-up is great for your arms and chest, however, moving your hands closer together puts the emphasis squarely on one’s triceps. You will still work on pectoral muscle with this variation, however, one’s tris should feel the burn by the time they are through. To do this: lower yourself on a standard plank in a press-up position. Bring your hands close to each other at your chest level with your thumb touching each other and your forefingers brushing against each other. The spine should be straight, glutes, and core should be squeezed tight as well. Lower yourself down to the floor, pause while maintaining the squeeze in your glutes, and then push back up to the initial position by straightening your arms.

Bench Dip: if you find it difficult with traditional dips, you can try out the bench dip. Be sure you slowly lower your dip while maximizing your time under tension before explosively pushing back up. When you are done, your triceps will be burning. How to do this: Stand with your face away from the bench, grab it with both hands at shoulder-width. Then, extend your legs in front of you. Lower your body slowly by flexing at the elbows until your forearm creates a 90-degree angle. Use your triceps to lift yourself back to the original position.

Dumbbell Floor Press: is a variation of a classic bench press that favors the lockout portion of the lift, which recruits triceps to a certain high degree. Because the load is differently distributed with a dumbbell, unlike the barbell, then the stabilizing muscle has to work harder to keep the weight correctly positioned. How to Do This: grasp a dumbbell with each hand and lie on your back on the floor. Hold the overhead dumbbells overhead and bend your warm to the lower kettlebells. Let your elbows touch the ground, pause, and press them back up.

Classic press-up: The old workouts are the best ones. The conventional press-up works your core, triceps, and your chest. The beauty of this move is that you can do it anywhere. How to do this: arrange with your weight supported on your hands and toes beneath your shoulders, body straight. Be careful to keep your core locked so a straight line can form between your heels, glutes, and head. Slowly lower your body until your chest is an inch from the ground and then explosively work its way up by completely extending your arms.

One-arm kettlebell floor press: when using one arm at a time, it isolates your triceps and chest and making sure the muscles are worked hard. How to do this: Lay on the floor and hold a kettlebell in one hand and your upper arm being supported by the ground. Extend your arm and press the kettlebell straight up toward the ceiling. Then lower the kettlebell and repeat.

how to trian triceps